Are all CMMG products covered under the Lifetime Quality Guarantee?

Yes, CMMG, Inc. will guarantee its products against defects in material or workmanship. CMMG, Inc. will repair, replace or substitute part(s) (at CMMG, Inc. discretion) at no charge to the customer if a defect of material or workmanship is found. All service work must be carried out by CMMG Inc. Please provide a copy of the invoice or proof of purchase when submitting service work.

Notice: CMMG, Inc. sells complete firearms and components. If you have received a CMMG, Inc. firearm and are not satisfied, please contact CMMG, Inc. If you suspect your firearm isn’t factory built, contact CMMG, Inc. for confirmation. Returned products that are found without a defect are subject to a restocking fee.